Friday, March 25, 2011

Communing with Nature

When I was a little girl my Dad used to take me out every Sunday afternoon to do what he called " commune with nature". We would go to a park, or vacant overgrow lot and explore. Our favorite places usually had a creek or pond to throw pebbles in or wade into. He grew you on a farm in Ky and had a strong tie to the land and outdoors and wanted me to enjoy nature, as well. As I have grown older, I know how important these Sunday afternoon outings really were to me. It developed my senses and they made me comfortable in almost any outdoor setting. It stimulated my love of gardening, and my interest in all God's creatures. As some of you know, I live on a horse farm and have a beach cottage on the coast of Ga. These natural environments are important to my personal sense of balance in my life. I recently read a wonderful book which spoke to this need for nature in children's lives, particularly today in our tech- oriented world. The name of the book is Last Child in the Woods. You can hear an interview with the author on NPR Archived as 'Saving our kids from Nature Deficet Disorder". We have the book in the school professional library if you would like to borrow it.
Thank You, Daddy!

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